Master Swimmer

SD-2(Corresponding badge for under 14Yrs 6 months – JD-2-Swimmer)

Objective: - Be able to show the skill in swimming

  1. Swim 100 Meters crawl /free style

  2. Swim at least half a Kilometer

  3. Perform the following dives

    1. Racing dive from the edge of the pool.

    2. Dive from board at least three meters above the surface of the water

    3. Neat dive from a spring board, or a run

  4. Perform some individual stunt in fancy diving or in swimming or plunging( such as Swallow dive, Backwards dive, forward somersaults, plunging 10 meters

  5. Satisfy the examiner that he is capable of instructing a non swimmer in basic principles of swimming.

  6. Pass or re pass the test (1) of the Swimmer badge: swim 50 meters with clothes on(shirt and shorts as minimum) and undress in water with feet off bottom.

Last updated
