Messengers of Peace (MoP)

To be done with the help and guidance of the ADC(Program)/ District MoP Coordinator / Badge Examiner

1. Inspire

Senior Scout can be inspired in one of the following ways

  • Observe a Messengers of Peace event or activity organized at Scout Troop, District or National level

  • Watch a documentary/ listen to a speech related to MoP facilitated by District MoP Coordinator/ ADC Program / Scout Leader

2. Learn & Decide

Learn and decide on a possible project that Senior Scout would like to be involved in. (The subject matter should be in relation to an experience that inspired the Senior Scout), which covers one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • Give a Soft copy / Scan statement to Scout Leader regarding the Project plan

  • Scout Leader shall submit proposal format through the ADC Program to District Messengers of Peace Coordinator (Proposal format is annexed)

3. Do

Organize the selected service project, spending no less than 24 service hours of individual contribution with the participation of members of the Scout troop (as the organizer of the project)

4. Share

Share the success story of the project via website (mandatory) & submit the specimen form (report) to the District Messengers of Peace Coordinator through ADC Program.


With the Recommendation of relevant District officials, District MoP Coordinator shall submit the specimen form to the National Head Quarters & National MoP Core team will issue the Messengers of Peace Ring badge and the certificate. In the absence of District MoP coordinator, ADC Program will submit the specimen form to the NHQ.

Last updated
