
(SC-7) (Corresponding badge for under14 1/2 Junior Journalist -JC-7)

Objective: - Be able to express himself /herself sufficiently fluently in any accepted form of mass media

  1. Pass or have passed the journalist badge

  2. Discuss with the examiner the best method of giving publicity to an event names by the examiner

  3. Submit to the examiner a written report of a Scout meeting that could be published in a children’s page of a newspaper

  4. Discuss with the examiner news report (either written/ a newspaper cutting or verbal from radio TV or you tube) high lighting weak and the strong point in that.

  5. For any Scout who is weak in writing, the examiner could give the under mentioned option at his/ her discretion.- Take a photograph of good quality and submit it to the examiner with a good caption.

or Make a short video clip of some of the activities that took part in your Scout Troop

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