Patrimonito Scout Badge

The Examiner to help and guide the Senior Scouts in doing this badge

  1. Contact District Scout of the World Award (SWA) coordinator and Explore the World Heritage related projects with his help and guidance.

  2. Complete Scout of the World Discovery workshop organized by Sri Lanka Scout Association

  3. Decide your role in the Patrimonito project

    1. As a camp leader - you will elaborate the entire project and recruit a team

    2. Or As a volunteer - you will take part in a project already prepared either by fellow Scouts or World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) Initiative.

  4. If you are joining the project as a camp leader

    1. Contact the UNESCO World Heritage site authorities through NSO Scout of the World Award National Coordinator & District Coordinator for Scout of the World Award

    2. Recruit a team of Scouts and/or non-Scout volunteer(s)

    3. Get ready with logistical arrangements

    4. Draft a project (including hands-on and awareness raising activities)

  5. If you are joining the project as a volunteer

    1. Choose a SWA Voluntary Project which has been already planned by a Camp leader with the help of District SWA Coordinator .

    2. Contact the project organization directly to find out more about the activities and the logistical requirements to participate in the WHV project.

  6. Complete a SW Award Voluntary Service in a World Heritage property or a site on the Tentative Lists with the support of the SW Award national team and World Heritage property authorities

    1. The SW Award Voluntary Service stage should consist minimum of 24 service hours of individual contribution with the participation of members of the Scout troop (as the organizer of the project)

    2. As volunteer, your participation in a SW Award Voluntary Service stage or a World Heritage Volunteers project should last the whole duration of the project you have chosen.

    3. Once Senior Scout has completed the SW Award Discovery and the SW Award Voluntary Service (as camp leader or volunteer),

      1. Join the SW Award Network by sharing the project on

      2. Complete the Project report of your World Heritage Scout Projects (see attached) and submit it to ADC Program


With the Recommendation of relevant District officials, District SWA Coordinator shall submit the specimen form to the National Head Quarters & National SWA Coordinator will issue the Patriomonito Scout Badge and the certificate. In the absence of District SWA coordinator, ADC Program will submit the specimen form (report) to the NHQ.

Those who are awarded with Patrimonito Scout Badge are also eligible to win the Scouts of the World Award.

Project Proposal

Last updated
