Tide Tuners Plastic Challenge

The badge to be done with the guidance and the help of the examiner

Be aware

  • Complete a Self-Assessment on how much does Senior Scout understand the issues related to plastics, plastic waste, and plastic pollution. (Examiner to advice the Scout and give the necessary documents)

  • Complete Plastic Audit Quiz to assess plastic usage in Senior Scout’s day today life (Examiner to advice the Scout and give the necessary documents)

  • Complete minimum of 4 activities from the Healthy Planet Activity list for the Preventing and Recovering water and land Ecosystems from pollution.

  • (Examiner to give details of the activities and help the Scout to select the activity that he would prefer)

List of activities

  1. Audit your Plastic Habit

  2. Litter, why does it matter

  3. Litter Blitz

  4. Regulating the use of plastics

  5. Making a Poster on Marine Pollution

  6. Audit your Plastic Habit


Plan an environment related community service project at Scout troop level with the help of Scout Leader (with the participation of maximum group of 8 Senior Scouts /1 Patrol). Contribution from each Senior Scout Should be 16 service hours.

  • Identify environmental issues or needs in your area with the teams, community, and partners.

  • Explore possible solutions with fellow Senior Scouts

  • Design an action plan to execute the community project


  • Execute the agreed plans for the service project.

  • Submit a report to the badge examiner on the Service project

  • Share the project on www.scout.org from Scout’s own scout.org account


With the Recommendation of relevant District officials, District Coordinator shall submit the specimen form to the National Head Quarters & National Tide Turners Plastic Challenge coordinator will issue the Badge and the certificate. In the absence of District coordinator, ADC Program will submit the specimen form (report) to the NHQ.

Last updated
