To be done with the help and guidance of the ADC(Program)/ District MoP Coordinator / Badge Examiner
Senior Scout can be inspired in one of the following ways
Observe a Messengers of Peace event or activity organized at Scout Troop, District or National level
Watch a documentary/ listen to a speech related to MoP facilitated by District MoP Coordinator/ ADC Program / Scout Leader
Learn and decide on a possible project that Senior Scout would like to be involved in. (The subject matter should be in relation to an experience that inspired the Senior Scout), which covers one or more Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Give a Soft copy / Scan statement to Scout Leader regarding the Project plan
Scout Leader shall submit proposal format through the ADC Program to District Messengers of Peace Coordinator (Proposal format is annexed)
Organize the selected service project, spending no less than 24 service hours of individual contribution with the participation of members of the Scout troop (as the organizer of the project)
Share the success story of the project via www.scout.org website (mandatory) & submit the specimen form (report) to the District Messengers of Peace Coordinator through ADC Program.
With the Recommendation of relevant District officials, District MoP Coordinator shall submit the specimen form to the National Head Quarters & National MoP Core team will issue the Messengers of Peace Ring badge and the certificate. In the absence of District MoP coordinator, ADC Program will submit the specimen form to the NHQ.
The Examiner to help and guide the Senior Scouts in doing this badge
Contact District Scout of the World Award (SWA) coordinator and Explore the World Heritage related projects with his help and guidance.
Complete Scout of the World Discovery workshop organized by Sri Lanka Scout Association
Decide your role in the Patrimonito project
As a camp leader - you will elaborate the entire project and recruit a team
Or As a volunteer - you will take part in a project already prepared either by fellow Scouts or World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) Initiative.
If you are joining the project as a camp leader
Contact the UNESCO World Heritage site authorities through NSO Scout of the World Award National Coordinator & District Coordinator for Scout of the World Award
Recruit a team of Scouts and/or non-Scout volunteer(s)
Get ready with logistical arrangements
Draft a project (including hands-on and awareness raising activities)
If you are joining the project as a volunteer
Choose a SWA Voluntary Project which has been already planned by a Camp leader with the help of District SWA Coordinator .
Contact the project organization directly to find out more about the activities and the logistical requirements to participate in the WHV project.
Complete a SW Award Voluntary Service in a World Heritage property or a site on the Tentative Lists with the support of the SW Award national team and World Heritage property authorities
The SW Award Voluntary Service stage should consist minimum of 24 service hours of individual contribution with the participation of members of the Scout troop (as the organizer of the project)
As volunteer, your participation in a SW Award Voluntary Service stage or a World Heritage Volunteers project should last the whole duration of the project you have chosen.
Once Senior Scout has completed the SW Award Discovery and the SW Award Voluntary Service (as camp leader or volunteer),
Join the SW Award Network by sharing the project on www.scout.org
Complete the Project report of your World Heritage Scout Projects (see attached) and submit it to ADC Program
With the Recommendation of relevant District officials, District SWA Coordinator shall submit the specimen form to the National Head Quarters & National SWA Coordinator will issue the Patriomonito Scout Badge and the certificate. In the absence of District SWA coordinator, ADC Program will submit the specimen form (report) to the NHQ.
Those who are awarded with Patrimonito Scout Badge are also eligible to win the Scouts of the World Award.
The examiner to help and guide the Senior Scout in doing this badge
Participate in Scouts of the World Discovery (SW Discovery) workshop conducted by Sri Lanka Scout Association
Plan for a voluntary service in order to contribute to solving a problem related to development, peace, or the environment.
Conduct Scout of the Voluntary Service (SW Voluntary Service) with minimum of 24 service hours of individual contribution with the participation of members of the Scout troop (as the organizer of the project)
Share the success story of the project via www.scout.org website (mandatory)
Submit report to the District Coordinator in charge of Scout of the World Award through ADC Program
With the Recommendation of relevant District officials, District SWA Coordinator shall submit the specimen form to the National Head Quarters & National SWA coordinator will issue the Badge and the certificate. In the absence of District SWA coordinator, ADC Program will submit the specimen form (report) to the NHQ.
The examiner to guide and help the Scout to do what is given below
Complete the self-assessment of Senior Scout’s knowledge and understanding of the relationship between humans, nature and biodiversity with the help of the badge examiner (Examiner to advice the Scout and give the necessary documents)
Decide which learning path would Senior Scout like to work on (Better Choices or Nature and Biodiversity) with the help of the badge examiner
Complete 3 activities from one of the selected pathways to understand about the selected pathway with the help of badge examiner. (Examiner to give details of the activities and help the Scout to select the activity that he would prefer)
List of activities
“Better Choices” pathway
What is your stand on?
Four corners
Food pyramid
“Nature and Biodiversity” pathway
S.E.E the links
Discovering Nature with Seek App by Naturalist
One Planet
Storytelling - Pixar Pitch
Plan an environment related community service project at Scout Troop level with the help of Scout Master (with the participation of maximum group of 8 Senior Scouts /1 Patrol). Contribution from each Senior Scout Should be 16 service hours
Identify environmental issues or needs in your area
Explore possible solutions with fellow Senior Scouts
Design an action plan to execute the community project
Execute the agreed plans for the service project.
Submit a report to the badge examiner on the Service project
With the Recommendation of relevant District officials, District Coordinator shall submit the specimen form to the National Head Quarters & National Champions for Nature Challenge coordinator will issue the Badge and the certificate. In the absence of District coordinator, ADC Program will submit the specimen form (report) to the NHQ.
The badge to be done with the guidance and the help of the examiner
Be aware
Complete a Self-Assessment on how much does Senior Scout understand the issues related to plastics, plastic waste, and plastic pollution. (Examiner to advice the Scout and give the necessary documents)
Complete Plastic Audit Quiz to assess plastic usage in Senior Scout’s day today life (Examiner to advice the Scout and give the necessary documents)
Complete minimum of 4 activities from the Healthy Planet Activity list for the Preventing and Recovering water and land Ecosystems from pollution.
(Examiner to give details of the activities and help the Scout to select the activity that he would prefer)
List of activities
Audit your Plastic Habit
Litter, why does it matter
Litter Blitz
Regulating the use of plastics
Making a Poster on Marine Pollution
Audit your Plastic Habit
Plan an environment related community service project at Scout troop level with the help of Scout Leader (with the participation of maximum group of 8 Senior Scouts /1 Patrol). Contribution from each Senior Scout Should be 16 service hours.
Identify environmental issues or needs in your area with the teams, community, and partners.
Explore possible solutions with fellow Senior Scouts
Design an action plan to execute the community project
Execute the agreed plans for the service project.
Submit a report to the badge examiner on the Service project
With the Recommendation of relevant District officials, District Coordinator shall submit the specimen form to the National Head Quarters & National Tide Turners Plastic Challenge coordinator will issue the Badge and the certificate. In the absence of District coordinator, ADC Program will submit the specimen form (report) to the NHQ.
Share the project on from Scout’s own scout.org account.
Share the project on from Scout’s own scout.org account
Examiner to help and guide the Scout in doing this badge
Examiner to give details of the activities and help the Scout to select the activity that he would prefer
A higher standard is expected from the Senior Scouts than from the Junior Scouts in doing the activities
Know about Sun, Solar energy and how it is related to our life
Know about renewable & nonrenewable energy sources
Know about good and bad impacts of the Sun on health and environment
Know about how to minimize bad impacts of the Sun on health and environment
Know about the uses of solar energy and the technologies to harness the energy from Sun.
Perform following Solar activities (03 activities from each section) during a level 03 Solar introduction workshop including compulsory activities
Organize and execute a community service project with the Patrol (maximum of 8 scouts) for a minimum of 72 Service hours (total contribution)
Sun is Life – Activity List
Chasing Light
Shadow Thief
Solar Art
Colours of Solar energy
Solar and other energy sources (Compulsory)
Solar compass
Impact of the Sun on health and environment – Activity List
Your greenhouse
Ozone and sunburn
Don’t get a sunburn
How to treat a sunstroke (Compulsory)
Ozone and breathing
UV rays and SPF
Uses of solar energy – Activity List
Sun one day – Every day
Solar box cooker
Pure water (SODIS method)
Collect water
Solar Quiz (Compulsory)
Your Solar lamp
Go Solar – Activity List
Have a Solar lunch (Balanced diet – Compulsory)
Use clean water
Have a solar shower
Install a warm water collector
With the Recommendation of relevant District officials, District Coordinator shall submit the specimen form to the National Head Quarters & National Scouts Go Solar Challenge coordinator will issue the Badge and the certificate. In the absence of District coordinator, ADC Program will submit the specimen form (report) to the NHQ.
The badge will be awarded in duplicate- one for the Scout and one for his/her International friend
The Badge will be worn in the sash with the Better World Network Badges
The International Friendship badge can be worn on the uniform till such time the friendship lasts
A new international friendships can be substituted to the old one and the badge holder can keep wearing the badge earned on an earlier friendship
Friendship levels & behavior expectations have been based on the friendship pyramid adapted from the book 'Socially curious and curiously social' by Michelle Garcia Winner and Dr. Pam Crooke, copyright 2011 Think Social Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. www.socialthinking.com
This badge is available for both Junior and Senior Scout sections with different syllabuses to achieve. This page is dedicated for the Junior Scout's section
The badge (size is 7cm in circumference; same as all the Better World Framework Badges.)
Start a friendship with a Scout abroad
Communicate with the Scout regularly - this could be done via telephone, e-mail, WhatsApp, IMO, Viber or such messengers & voice over IP applications
Keep a log on your activities (Screenshots if connected via digitally), the badge examining authority recommends to demonstrate use of video calls with your friend in-front of the badge examiner.
The testing authority is the ADC international
(Scout Master's Award should be completed to start on the International Friendship Badge)
Friendship for 6 months as follows:
Connect 12 times over 6 months = 3 points
Can Score maximum 12 points from 24 contacts
Know your friends family = 2 points
Know lots of details of your friend = 2 points
Connect with text chat = 2 points
Basic foreign language dialogue = 4 points
Fluent foreign language dialogue = 6 points
Exchange experiences = 4 points
Exchange Photos = 4 points
Share celebrations = 4 points
Maintain Friendship log (E/book) = 4 points
20/40 points needed for Badge award
The following are the details to be included in a report to complete and achieve the international friendship badge.
The badge report should contain general information about you. Here is a list of mandatory fields recommended by the badge examining authority.
Name - Full name
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
Scout Registration number
Scout Group - 39th Colombo Scout Group
Scout Section - Junior
Contact number
Email address
The badge report should contain information about your international friend(s). Each friend should consist a separate table.
It is very important that you ask to share pictures, list personal details and get their consent before you include those in your report.
You must specify who has access to your report data (Whether it resides with you or you handover to another authority) and what you are planning to do with the information or content.
This consent must be obtained by the Scout himself/herself or from a parent/carer to process the data of a young person
Portrait or Pictures of your international friend(s) : You may include photos of your international friend(s) or other pictures your friend(s) share, only with his/her/their consent.
Proof of Chats and Calls : You may include screenshots or logs of your chats, calls and any other type of media used for communication in your report as the proof of your friendship with his/her/their consent.
Other information : You may include other information as per your requirements (Scout Group, hobbies, family details, etc) with his/her/their consent.
There is an extensive section on friendship, how to build friendship, who are bad friends, what to do when a friendship goes bad in the 'Safe from Harm Training Manual of SLSA'
Possible topics for discussion with friends such as their hometown, where they grew - up, school life, activities they love, sports they play and love, home and chores, cultural highlights, family & friends, favourite dishes & food, religious festivals and accomplishments.
Friends will be encourages to teach each other their own favourite games/ songs/ activities; with the help of their parents, they can even exchange easy recipes from each nation involved with their friends. It is expected that these mutual exchange of ideas will be taught to their own troops.
SLSA plans to have it's own friendship Bank in the near future. After that initiation scouts can obtain contacts for their communication and the achievement of their badge.
Scouts and Rovers also can contact friends formed from International World Scout jamborees, Jota joti, etc.
https://www.facebook.com/intscoutingslsa will function as the resource for the international Friendship Programme and Badge
After the completion of the report, it should be sent to ADC-international / Colombo district, Carbon Copying to the e-mail of the District Commissioner of the Colombo district as given below.
Mr. Rohitha Steinwall (ADC International) - steinwall@gmail.com
Mr Amil Abeysundara (District Commissioner) - gihan@amilbuilders.com
For further information;
ADC International - Mr. Rohitha Steinwall,
Colombo district branch,
Sri Lanka Scout Association.
E-mail - Steinwall@gmail.com
Phone - +94 77 517 1222
The updated information was extracted by the report submitted by the CSYAG and credits goes to the respective owners.
Junior Scout
Senior Scout
(Membership badge mandatory)
(Scout Award mandatory)
Friendship for 3 months as follows:
Connect 6 times in 3 months =3
Can score maximum 6 for 12 contacts
Know your friend socially = 1
Know the likes and dislikes =1
Share school related material =1
Connect with text chat = 1
Basic foreign language dialogue = 2
Fluent foreign language dialogue = 3
Demonstrate friendship benefits = 3
Maintain Friendship log(e-book) = 3
Friendship for 3 months as follows:
Connect 12 times in 6 months =6
Can score maximum 12 for 24 contacts
Know your friend's family = 2
Know lots of details of friend =2
Connect with text chat = 2
Basic foreign language dialogue = 4
Fluent foreign language dialogue = 6
Exchange experiences = 4
Exchange photos = 4
Share celebrations =4
Maintain Friendship log(e-book) = 3
10/18 points needed for Badge award
20/40 points needed for Badge Award
The examiner to help and guide the Scout to win this badge
Mechanism of Passing the badge is through National, Provincial and District Level Dialogue for Peace Camps
Choose seven learning objectives (objectives 1 and 2 are mandatory) & learn about those with the help of the Badge examiner
Present to others the Ten Principles of Dialogue
Attend a learning session on dialogue
Explain to others that all people are equal and unique
Demonstrate how personal actions can cause conflicts and misunderstanding
Identify and explore a local area with a problem caused by the lack of dialogue
Understand the demographic differences in your country
Be aware of global issues caused by the lack of dialogue between different nations
Explain the local impact of the harmful effects of conflict/ misunderstanding between people in the communities
Explain how our choice of action and responsibility as an individual, group, community and country can affect world peace
Understand how we can take actions to improve our impact on the society through dialogue
Demonstrate the different types and applications of dialogues, safe environments and techniques
Demonstrate how one can help others to be dialogical persons
Explain how some incidents can change the dialogue dynamic in the community from positive to negative
Choose two activities & complete the activity with the help of the Badge examine
Participate in a national long- term dialogue-related project
Plan and execute a dialogue event (debate between different groups, problem-solving session, etc.)
Write a paper on dialogue and its importance in your local community and present it to others
Evaluate the impact of a dialogue project run by the Scouts in the community and present the outcomes
With the Recommendation of relevant District officials, District Coordinator shall submit the specimen form to the National Head Quarters & National Scouts Go Solar Challenge coordinator will issue the Badge and the certificate. In the absence of District coordinator, ADC Program will submit the specimen form (report) to the NHQ.