SM2 (Corresponding badge for under 14Yrs 6 months – JM-2- Junior Saver)
Objective – Encourage savings habits in Scouts
Show the examiner that he has been regularly depositing money in his savings account during the previous 6 months and deposited at least 100/= during the last month
Show the examiner that he has increased his savings at regular intervals from during the preceding six months.
Explain to the examiner that at least some of the savings is by him personally and not deposited by his parents
Discuss with the examiner how saving in a country help to curb inflation.
Discuss with the examiner how avoiding buying things made in foreign countries would help the steady the value of local currency, and also the pros and cons of having a strong local currency
Discuss with the examiner why we should purchase things made in our country whenever possible, and also when that should be avoided and only the best should be purchased.
Discuss with the examiner how advertisements create unnecessary wants and get you to purchase things that may not be very useful, and also different methods that businessmen use to persuade children to buy such things and spend money.
SM-1(Corresponding badge for under 14Yrs 6 months – JM-!- Junior Happy Home )
Objective: - Demonstrate what the Scout does to help his parents, and his knowledge about his basic family history
Maintain a log book for a minimum of three months after completing the District commissioner’s Award giving the following (or similar) responsibilities that he carried out at home :-
Practice simple First-Aid, when an emergency occurs at home.
Manage your time according to a daily timetable.
Present the timetable to the examiner)
Helping parents, brothers, sisters, older relatives etc.
Simple repairs in the household.
Preparing meals.
Participating in family budget making.
The family chart- The Senior Scout will draw a family chart giving all his relatives from grandparents down to the 4th or 5th generation, to his nephews and nieces and in some cases his grand nephews etc. this chart should be drawn on a large sheet of paper and names clearly stated
The Scout Master would when ever possible visit the home of the Scout and satisfy himself on the accuracy of the Log record for this badge and the Family chart.
The examiner examines the log and the family chart and discusses with him on the following
How he practices the 10th part of the Scout Law-“a scout is clean in thought, word and deed” specially discussing his attitude towards sex.
How he helps to make his home a happy place
Any other problems that he wishes to discuss with the examiner
The examiner will counsel the Scout and will give him good advice for a decent living